Science Behind
Lot of things happens behind the science for successful results. Lets explore the unseen.
Graffos: The Game Changer
Discover the Power of Game-Changing Transformation.
Andres Sanfiel is an expert in Graphistics and Documentary Scrutiny, Judicial Handwriting Expert, Master in Sports Psychology and Sports Coach.
His experience dates back to 2006, when he started to analyse student profiles identifying learning by competences. Subsequently, he carried out research at the Chicho Lorenzo's school of speed motorcycling riders in Palma de Mallorca, (Spain) where he was able to validate the hypothesis that by carrying out targeted graphomotor stimulation work, he could increase sporting performance.
This research was recognised by the illustrious Eduard Punset, a great populariser of science.
A tireless researcher, he has participated in projects with INTERPOL, and is a regular collaborator with the University of La Laguna (Tenerife, Canary Islands) in research recognised and certified by the Ministry of Science and Innovation as R+D+i.

Hard work leading to succcess
Technology &
New technologies have made it possible, by connecting mobile devices, neuroscience, telemetry, grapho-psychology and fine motor skills, to determine the profile of the mental abilities of competitive athletes. Once these are known, we can stimulate the neurological networks, through fine motor skills by means of the pincer movement, to improve those mental skills that need it or to reinforce those that already exist, all this through the development of a mobile App that allows us to monitor the athlete anywhere in the world..
Our Powerful brain
Brain areas
Writing is an osteoid, nervous and muscular activity, composed of a series of rhythmic oscillations triggered as a result of a high neurophysiological compromise

Scientific Validation
12 brain areas are
Did you know that, the Limbic System is responsible for affectivity, emotions, interest and motivation, it allows the association of pleasant or unpleasant memories and the desire to write. A lesion of this system causes a loss of interest, initiative and a general decrease in behavior. Discover how the different brain areas work in relation to the writing process and how we use them to stimulate your mind.
Our Powerful brain
When a neuron dies, there is the possibility of developing dendrites that make contacts or synapses with other neurons following a different path from the original, but reaching a more or less similar goal and even creating new ones.This allows us to train our brain in a bidirectional way thanks to the permeability to the changes of our neurons; that is, to produce stimuli to execute the scriptural act or vice versa, to write to produce stimuli that modify behaviors.

Scientific Validation
Mental Training💡
It involves carrying out a series of graphical motor exercises, by means of continuous and systematic repetition by the user and thus being able to generate habits, using the caliper movement, (grip of the writing tool with the index and thumb fingers), as a vehicle for Neurological stimulation, which has been the fundamental basis of the evolutionary development of the human being and that differentiates us from our close relatives, the monkeys...
Our Powerful brain
Relevant author's quotations💡
Graphic reeducation is the education and reeduca+on of the graphic gesture from the triple point of view: motor, psychic and mental.” *Dr. Strelestski“
The graphic gesture repeated in a habitual and methodically disciplined way, influences the psychecorresponding to this spelling. A motor Discipline, educator, is able to correct deviant or morbid psychic states. Self suggestion can be added to the Reeducation of the movements, causing the text used to evoke the ideas that you want to develop in the unbalanced or sick subject”.
-*Augusto Vels quote (Writing and Personality - Miracle Universal Library).

Scientific Validation
To know more, please check our PDF for more detailed information.
Our Powerful brain
Biometric data💡
These data range from the record of the pressure, speed, inclination angles, distances and sizes of the figures provided in the test battery (until 176 different parameters) All these data are recorded in the databases in the cloud so that they can be processed and filtered correctly by the algorithm package, which allows to raise the profile of the mental skills of competition athletes.
Data filtering comes from data capture through mobile devices, tablet pointer, Smart watch, smart wristband, etc. and are used to raise the profile of the competitive athlete.

Scientific Validation
IoT / Big Data💡
This technology will allow us to reach the smallest details of mental / cognitive performance, providing solutions unknown until now, so we will call it from now on, the IoB, that means, the Internet of Brain.
Our Powerful brain
The AI use Big Data filtering will provide an improvement in the efficiency of the competition athlete's mental training solution, procuring a close monitoring and personalized recommendations.

See How it Works
Download App and Create your Profile
Once you have downloaded the App, fill in your data in the form and you are ready to start your first test.
Enroll yourself with the appropriate licence
Identify which license best suits your needs and buy it online.
Begin your journey of mental wellbeing with Graffos
After taking your first test, you will be able to view your profile and begin your mental training through a set of calligraphic exercises that you will repeat daily.
How it helps?
Graffos Technology Making an Impact
Recognising your strengths and weaknesses, identifying your motivational drivers to help your coach better plan your Physical, Technical, Tactical and Mental training, a large part of which we take care of.